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Xbox One Twitter TV Integration

The Xbox One Twitter experience is the manifestation of a partnership between Xbox and Twitter to bring Twitter’s TV APIs to the Xbox platform. What started out as a companion app experience evolved into platform integration within the Xbox One Mini Guide for TV.

The biggest design challenge with the Mini Guide was the limited vertical real estate available to display tweets. We overcame this by designing a contextual experience that filtered tweets based on popularity to bring the most relevant conversation forward.

Twitter on Xbox One
Twitter on Xbox One

Xbox One Twitter TV Integration

The Xbox One Twitter experience is the manifestation of a partnership between Xbox and Twitter to bring Twitter’s TV APIs to the Xbox platform. What started out as a companion app experience evolved into platform integration within the Xbox One Mini Guide for TV.

The biggest design challenge with the Mini Guide was the limited vertical real estate available to display tweets. We overcame this by designing a contextual experience that filtered tweets based on popularity to bring the most relevant conversation forward.

Xbox One - Mini Guide

TV programming view with Twitter peek

Twitter on Xbox One - Mini Guide

Xbox One - Mini Guide

Contextual twitter feed displaying most popular tweets

Twitter on Xbox One - Mini Guide Feed

Xbox One - One Guide

Twitter TV trending feed

Trending for One Guide