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Windows Product Hub

Windows 7 Product Hub was a 3D product showcase that featured Windows 7 hardware and software. At the time, Windows was having a difficult time getting partners to build software and accessories for the platform. This showcase was designed to offset that by providing partners a venue for free exposure.

The biggest challenge with the project was bringing the 3D design to life in Silverlight, something that had never been done before. There were quite a few compromises along the way, but overall the site functioned as designed.

Windows Product Hub
Windows Product Hub

Windows Product Hub

Windows 7 Product Hub was a 3D product showcase that featured Windows 7 hardware and software. At the time, Windows was having a difficult time getting partners to build software and accessories for the platform. This showcase was designed to offset that by providing partners a venue for free exposure.

The biggest challenge with the project was bringing the 3D design to life in Silverlight, something that had never been done before. There were quite a few compromises along the way, but overall the site functioned as designed.

Landing Environment

Product showcase landing environment

Landing Environment

Product Selection State

Selection state for product within the landing environment

Product Selection State

Product Transition State

Transition state for product within the landing environment

Product Transition State

Product Transition State

Transition state for product within the landing environment

Product Transition State

Product Transition State

Transition state for product within the landing environment

Product Transition State

Product Detail

Product detail view for selected product

Product Detail

Grid View

Grid view for sorting and filtering products

Grid View

Grid View Transition

Grid view transition for sorting and filtering products

Grid View Filter Transition

Wheel View

Wheel view for sorting and filtering products

Wheel View

Wheel View Zoom Detail

Zoom detail for wheel view during sorting and filtering

Wheel View Zoom Detail

Intergalactic Planetary View

Intergalactic view that allows users to travel between product galaxies

Intergalactic Planetary View

Intergalactic Detail

Intergalactive planetary view detail for selected products

Intergalactic Detail